EWS Econo Soft-Tec® Water Conditioner

EWS Econo Soft-Tec® Water Conditioner

Removes calcium, chlorine, chloramines, and other volatile and industrial chemicals.

The Soft-Tec Residential Water Conditioner chemically changes the calcium in hard water that normally builds up as scale on appliances to microscopic crystals, which then move through pipes and your appliances, leaving no residue on inside or outside surfaces. In addition to removing calcium, the Soft-Tec Water Conditioner removes many other undesirable chemicals – chlorine, chloramines, and volatile and industrial chemicals among them. As it uses a special resin bed to operate, no additional salt or electricity are required to run the unit.

The Econo model is a compact, wall-mountable unit operating at flow rates up to 5 gpm.

  • Easy setup & installation
  • No electrical power required
  • No drain or waste water
  • Bypass valve
  • No Maintenance or Repairs
  • No Backwash which lowers water consumption
  • No water softening salt to purchase

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